WalkNYC is a wayfinding system that encourages walking, biking, and public transit. The system is designed to provide easy-to-understand maps and icons to guide travelers. The WalkNYC system is a collaborative effort of urban planners, industrial designers, and cartographers from RBA Group, Billings Jackson Design, and CityID. In addition to its innovative wayfinding program, the City has adopted the “heads-up” orientation, which allows people to see what’s in front of them before they look.
PentaCityGroup, a design consortium made up of City ID, RBA Group, and T-Kartor, created WalkNYC’s iconic graphic language for the city. The company incorporated Massimo Vignelli’s iconic graphic language into WalkNYC, and is the industry benchmark for other global cities. New Yorkers are encouraged to walk, bike, and take public transportation. Regardless of how they get around the city, it can be challenging to find your way around the city.
WalkNYC has a design that reflects New York City’s diverse demographic. The WalkNYC wayfinding system displays user-friendly pedestrian maps and estimates walking times. The system was inspired by Legible London, which was launched in 2007. The PentaCityGroup team also studied Legible London and other similar systems to make the WalkNYC system feel as though it is native to the city. And while the WalkNYC system has some similarities to Legible London’s approach, it differs in its focus on creating a new experience.
A new wayfinding system is on the way in New York City. WalkNYC’s signs feature Wi-Fi hotspot locations and local destinations. It’s similar to Legible London’s wayfinding system, and WalkNYC signs are soon to be spotted all over the city. And while the two companies share a design team, they are separate entities. But they are both bringing a new generation of wayfinding technology to the city.
The goal of WalkNYC is to make the city’s public transportation systems more efficient. The city is technically on a grid, so the city is well-connected. But pedestrians often get lost in unfamiliar neighborhoods, and WalkNYC hopes to make it easier for people to find their way. And the system also aims to eliminate excuses. A well-designed map will encourage more walking and reduce traffic accidents. You should make the city as easy to use as possible.
There are several types of wayfinding software available for NYC. AIGA symbols, like the iconic subway station, are designed to guide users. But they may not be enough. The AIGA logo is a powerful symbol that speaks for all of New York’s native languages. And they have also been adapted for WalkNYC to make the city’s metro maps more accessible for the public. And the AIGA’s logo is a powerful icon for the subway.